Took Sutton out after I dropped the kids off for school this morning. The weather was perfection… the light was perfection – I couldn’t help myself. I really love authentic images that show more of the real world – but then I reminded myself – Sutton LOVES to eat rocks… so how much more real can you get then to take her on a dirt road for some 18 month portraits.
We then headed to her doctors well check appointment which happened to be at a new office. An office that was filled with so much light it could take your breath away. so when you walk by a room that has the most gorgeous light… into a room that doesn’t even have a window, How could you not at least try to request the room with the light. The lady warned me – “oh that room gets hot” and I said “oh, I don’t care”…. We might have lingered a little longer then normal today – but like my mama always used to say…”It’s an automatic no if you don’t even ask”. Edited to add: decided to take Sutton for a small little shoot after I dropped the kids off at school. I struggle these days with putting my kids in false environments… because lets be real – when is she on a dirt road…and therefore.. when they get older – this won’t pull at my heartstrings… until I remember that she eats rocks and was in heaven on that little dirt road.
18 months
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