Monthly Archives: May 2011
Caines Beauties
So since this isn’t a sneak peek since I am 4 weeks behind we will call it Caines Beauties…Heathers daughters are downright stunning. Heather hired me to do her maternity shoot and I was
Brown Family {Sneak Peek}
As mentioned in the earlier post.. not quite a sneak peek since the mom came and picked up her images yesterday…. but it was the first in-session proofing I have held… and I have to say
Rack em’ up! Racker {Sneak Peek}
Ok – so this should be a sneak peek – but come to find out I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to updating the blog. I think it is because it is easier to post the sneak peek on
I Liz Take thee Dan…
To say that I married my best friend would be simplifying what my husband is to me. Today we celebrate our 7th anniversary. and I couldn’t love this man more than I do today. Yes , he is a bit