Yearly Archives: 2012
Bring it on 2013
I know I am supposed to say something prolific on this day. A day where we acknowledge what we yearn to change , what we are determined to improve about ourselves. 2012 has taught me so much. It has
Happy 2nd Birthday L.L.P
{WARNING … run on sentences and grammatical errors to follow – I am not a english major…I am just someone who writes the way I think and feel} I have had so many people ask
My testament
Literally tears are rolling down my face… While going through photos searching for a particular image of my mother-in-law. I opened up a folder called Emersons Birth. What I found in the folder
Kaitlyn – 2 year old shoot
Kaitlyn seemed a little wary of the crazy lady with the camera in the beginning. But I ended up winning her over through candy and balloons and soon smiles were had by all. and a couple of
Johnston clan
I meet a lot of my clients at coffee shops before our session so that they can follow me to our off-beat locations. So when Julia drove down the street with her head popping out of the window with a
baby steps
to post things that I know everyone else will love is easy.. to post what I love….. as and artist….takes courage. I have taught myself a lot in the last 2 years.. but along with the
eff cancer
I just put my husband on a plane to say goodbye to his mother. This happened so fast. Even though she has battled cancer for the last 5 years. It happened so fast. I remember talking to Marie about
heavy heart
I am awake.. I don’t want to be. My days have been so busy that I haven’t had time to process what has been going on. But now in the stillness of the night – my mind is restless.
Meet up with Melange
A while ago Mary from Melange contacted me on Facebook to say hello. A fellow photographer from a nearby town – I had recently become familiar with her when her wall display of her gorgeous
Photographing Emersons gymnastics class can prove to be a bit difficult due to the very thick and smudgy window that separates the moms from their babies. So today – I figured what the
I read the following quote when I was picking my girl up from school today…They signed it simply Emerson – and it made me smile.- ” Nothing great was ever achieved without
Moving day
Whenever I have friends announce that they are moving – my first thing that I say TAKE PICTURES… Starting a new chapter is always the time where your camera needs to be with you. Because
Paying Homage to my 700
We went to our local “beach”… which is far from a real beach – but I wondered would I be able to make it look like a beautiful sandy oasis as opposed to a small slightly
I’m not worthy
I am not a gusher.. don’t do hallmark cards ( I never know what to write) and so many times I am stumped for words when it comes to describing this mans kindness. But today – I felt the
Hey Girl {I heart faces}
Hey Girl … you’re my girl – and as you grow up, I promise to build you up to be all things fantastic and amazing. I love you more than life.
Carpe Diem
In high school this was my motto to do something I shouldn’t be doing… spending money I shouldn’t be spending… Today – I exclaimed “CARPE DIEM” – and put my errands on the back burner
Grocery Shopping
I said lets get dressed to go to the store… when I came downstairs she had her red tutu on. SWOOONNN went my girly girly heart – so I knew I needed to grab my camera. All images were shot
Ok – so this California girl was a little lost on the Blubonnet Hype when I moved here. I mean TEXANS love their bluebonnets Ya’ll! This year I decided to run a little special. Since I
path less traveled
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” Henry David Thoreau
doorbell ditch
Have you ever noticed the light after a storm is BEAUTIFUL?? It’s because of all the puddles and leaves still glistening from lingering raindrops. This is just another fun way that mother
Tear Stain
He kissed her tear stained face and told her everything would be ok .. and in an instant it was.
The Good, the Bad… and the Ugly.
So you started a photography business. If you are anything like me – you started your business while you were still learning about photography. I am not afraid to admit I am
Rhyme and Reason behind my lenses
It can be overwhelming when you are starting out. I mean , what the heck is aperture – and why do I need to even know what it means. Now, throw in words like ISO, shutterspeed,
Happy Valentines Day
Hope your Valentines day is filled with love! Enjoy this free download.
Facing fear…
I was kidding when I told the nurse – “Hey – let me try”. I saw in your eyes the hesitation when she said “OK”. I didn’t know if you would let me do it. I