Monthly Archives: September 2012
eff cancer
I just put my husband on a plane to say goodbye to his mother. This happened so fast. Even though she has battled cancer for the last 5 years. It happened so fast. I remember talking to Marie about
heavy heart
I am awake.. I don’t want to be. My days have been so busy that I haven’t had time to process what has been going on. But now in the stillness of the night – my mind is restless.
Meet up with Melange
A while ago Mary from Melange contacted me on Facebook to say hello. A fellow photographer from a nearby town – I had recently become familiar with her when her wall display of her gorgeous
Photographing Emersons gymnastics class can prove to be a bit difficult due to the very thick and smudgy window that separates the moms from their babies. So today – I figured what the
I read the following quote when I was picking my girl up from school today…They signed it simply Emerson – and it made me smile.- ” Nothing great was ever achieved without
Moving day
Whenever I have friends announce that they are moving – my first thing that I say TAKE PICTURES… Starting a new chapter is always the time where your camera needs to be with you. Because