Monthly Archives: July 2013
learning to let go
Everyday my love for them grows even stronger And every single day, so do my fears As they step further away from my grasp I realize I can no longer simply reach out to save them. Save them from
Uncle Paul
Headed to the beach yesterday with Uncle Paul .. who might be the coolest Uncle EVER!!! He acts like a big kid which wins over my kids every single time. I sometimes feel sad to not have that big
Out with the new and in with the old
I know … 2 blogs.. one day… things are getting a little crazy over here in L.L.P land. When I packed up my gear to head for my vacation I did something I haven’t done in almost 3
Road Trip to California
If you are familiar with my blog – then you know that we are in Dallas – away from those we love, because of the financial strain of IVF. I count down the days to when I can be closer to
Click Magazine
In the world of forums, blogcircles, contests and the never ending #hashtag… I find myself to be a bit of a loner. I keep to myself. …only reaching out on the occasional basis to
Shay and her girl
I took some time off from shooting as planning sessions around IVF schedules can be daunting. Fortunately on the day we had our shoot the weather was perfection and so was her little girl…. it
BBQ at Aunt Moni’s
The hardest part of living in Texas – is not having family here. I get twinges of jealousy when I hear my friends talk about Sunday dinners at Grandmas or even better yet… DATE night
My missing puzzle piece
As some of you may know – we have been trying for baby #3 for the last two years. Baby # 3 has been on my heart before baby #1 and 2 were in my ams. I knew before I was married that I wanted