Yearly Archives: 2015
Dream Catcher
For the past year or so, I have been in this “space”. Since 2006, I had fought an uphill battle trying to build my family. Through IVF, pregnancy loss, life was filled with tremendous
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The Mueller Family
Ok – so when a fellow photographer hires me I do one of two things… I want to puke because it makes me so nervous. What if I let them down. I then freak out about the session well before
breezy like sunday morning.
When you go to restaurants around here in Texas, you have a choice – Eat indoors where the AC is cranking so hard that you need a winter coat or eat out doors where you melt faster then Olaf in
grocery shopping
The idea of making it a family shopping trip sounded like a good idea… until it wasn’t
Uncharted territory leads to hope.
Earlier this past spring – this mama reached out to me wanting me to photograph her little girl. Her last baby – her baby girl – was diagnosed with hearing loss soon after birth. As
I survived my summer vacation.
The title says it all – Next Summer is going to ROCK because this summer literally rocked my socks off. From an 18 month old who we have nicknamed “terror tot” – to a
J and K – Dallas Summer Visit
Young love gets a bad rap .. its too clingy… it’s too dramatic .. they aren’t old enough to know what love is. They are too young to be so serious. But the thing is… Young
July 4th weekend Staycation
I don’t know about you guys but this summer is kickin’ my bootay. Trying to balance entertaining two older kids all the while trying to keep the younger one out of harms way – not

The Scott Family
I mean really – could you just die with the beauty this family exudes? Oh wait… I am not talking about the outside beauty you can see.. this family is so amazing and kind . I met them
Recital day
So we have one rule – it was one I learned from watching my sister parent her own children. It is this – you must have one sport – something you love. For my son it is soccer. He
Throughout this journey of being a mom to a little boy born with a bleeding disorder we have overcome so many milestones. Whether they were little ones or big ones they were all leading up to
Shooting date with Leah Cook Photography
So you recently may have heard that I am entering into the lifestyle newborn market. I was so fortunate that I had the opportunity to tag along with my amazing friend Leah Cook from Leah Cook
underwater fun
Thought I would share just a few more from yesterdays little underwater adventure. We are ready for summer and all the funtimes that come with it.
The Balancing Act
As you percariously step one foot at a time – Ever so slowly you start to stand – trying so hard not to let your laughter be the reason you fall … and then you do it – you
The D family.
The rain seemed to rear its wet head into our entire month of May…. So the guilt of having to keep changing my clients date had me feeling pretty awful – despite knowing there was nothing
Rainy day shoot – Heather Devers Shoot
The rain seemed to rear its wet head into our entire month of May…. So the guilt of having to keep changing my clients date had me feeling pretty awful – despite knowing there was nothing
Mama and her mini-me.
Meet Terry – She was one of the moms from our mom and me minis. I don’t think I have ever met a sweeter baby in my entire life and mom was such a trooper. She was unsure of what to wear
Predict and Prepared Parenting
One of the best things I have learned about parenting is the value of predicting and preparing. It is actually something I have learned through this journey of becoming a mom with a camera – I
Mom and Me with Lisa V
I adore this sweet family and feel honored to have captured many images of them over the last couple of years. This time I was able to just concentrate on the love she has for her sweet
Lifestyle Newborn shoot with the K family
So I took a LONG hiatus from photographing newborns when I was going through my own infertility issues – It was too hard for me to photograph something that I longed for. But now that my sweet
DADDY Daughter dance
She had her first date – with her first love tonight. We learned that no matter how much you love someone – It doesn’t make it any easier when you are asked to share a bite of your
Birthday Party
One thing I have realized through this journey of Mom-tography… is that the more of a hand that I have in your life – the more my images reflect me and not you. So I have really been
The Last Ride
For as long as she could talk she has asked to go on the carousel ride. Yet as we walked by it today – she didn’t mention it. I casually ask – “do you want to go on the