Monthly Archives: August 2015
breezy like sunday morning.
When you go to restaurants around here in Texas, you have a choice – Eat indoors where the AC is cranking so hard that you need a winter coat or eat out doors where you melt faster then Olaf in
grocery shopping
The idea of making it a family shopping trip sounded like a good idea… until it wasn’t
Uncharted territory leads to hope.
Earlier this past spring – this mama reached out to me wanting me to photograph her little girl. Her last baby – her baby girl – was diagnosed with hearing loss soon after birth. As
I survived my summer vacation.
The title says it all – Next Summer is going to ROCK because this summer literally rocked my socks off. From an 18 month old who we have nicknamed “terror tot” – to a
J and K – Dallas Summer Visit
Young love gets a bad rap .. its too clingy… it’s too dramatic .. they aren’t old enough to know what love is. They are too young to be so serious. But the thing is… Young