Yearly Archives: 2016
Isabel Class of 2016
Love spending time with this gorgeous senior. She is going to do amazing things. Congratulations Isabel!!
The NYC Carousel Crawl
So much to say about this day with my girls… but not quite sure where to start. So for the first time – I will let the pictures be my voice – be my words. The days go fast so I am
Finally unpacked the beast known as my underwater housing unit
So I brought what I lovingly call “the beast” – because I know its fun to try and capture something that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to capture. I have this problem though- I really
Lifes a beach
I am on a roll aren’t I? I told my husband I think we went to the beach more then people who live at the beach go. If I am being totally honest – I am still not used to seeing my children face
Last Sunrise
It just seems appropriate that I follow up yesterdays blog post about our first day ofour trip that I should follow it up with our last day of our trip…. (and yes we are still in the car
Cake By the Ocean
Ok -So we celebrated my 42nd birthday driving to Boca Raton. We Made it to Destin after 10 hours in the car and decided to spend the night there and celebrate and while we didn’t have Cake by the
Colorado or Bust (Image Heavy – You have been warned)
Finally getting around to blogging some pictures from our trip to Colorado. The interesting thing is that I really was BAD (for me) at documenting Colorado once I finally got there. It is much easier
Roadtrip to Colorado { Day 2 }
Ok – so I managed to convince my husband to drive an extra 3 hours so that I can do something that I have wanted to do for a very long time! I love camping – I mean down and dirty –
Roadtrip to Colorado {Part 1}
Whenever I tell my friends that we are going on another road trip they gasp in horror – as if it is a fate worse then death to be stuck in a car with children for longer then 3 hours. I don’t
Shelby – Class of 2016
Gorgeous senior that I had the opportunity to shoot last fall. This girl makes photography easy and so much fun. The best part of shooting her is that she is just as gorgeous on the inside as she is
Another day… another bathtime.
Yes I know…seriously -it’s like they take baths everyday – jeeze. Oh wait a minute – crap – they do.Look – my days are filled with, bathtime, school, sports,
The Alexander Family
Here is the truth to why I don’t blog – outside of the fact that it’s not one of my most favorite parts of the business and outside of the fact that it takes me forever to go
So I don’t know what happened but oddly enough when baby #3 came into the mix – my husbands travel schedule picked up…. coincidence… I think not. I am fortunate for friends
Photographia Por favor
Shooting in another country wasn’t just mildly uncomfortable. It was, in fact, very, very uncomfortable. I felt awkward and silly as I stammered out the words “Photographia Por
Make-up Thief
I am in trouble with this one – who steals my make-up any chance she gets. I don’t get it… it’s not like I am putting on make-up all the time that it is something that she
Easter Day
Easter came and went and I was so exhausted from the soccer tournement -I didn’t take many pictures – Sometimes even I just don’t feel like being a photographer – I
Soccer Tourney
We had our first travel game over Easter weekend – Ok.. it wasn’t really a travel game as we were just in Arlington – BUT since our game was at 8PM and then again the next day at 8
The littlest
You know you are used to being the little sister when you’re big sister spits water at you and you don’t even flinch.
Pick-up artist
Maybe its because his birthday is breathing down my neck just waiting to be celebrated at the end of the month – maybe its because it seems like these days it feels like I am in the car more
Storm Chaser
I always say that my journey with photography will be led by my kids – as their journey through life changes so will my photography business… with that said – when they leave the
Passionately yours…
When you are a self-proclaimed over-thinker.. you overthink EVERYTHING – but the perk of overthinking is that I will typically have a quick solution for most problems that I encounter because I
10 minutes
So as we were about to leave for the day we ran into our hotel neighbors – As I looked at their three children scampering around with my three children, I gave a huge sigh of relief –