Liz Labianca Photography » Liz Labianca Photography


In a world that moves at such a fast pace it is easy to overlook the simple things like a bowl of cereal. This was more than a bowl of cereal as I watched behind the lens as my determined little 2 year old mastered the art of using a spoon. Since I have started my business, I have challenged myself to look beyond the obvious and pay attention to the little details of life. Someday this little girl will be mastering things like potty training, learning to ride a bike, learning how to roller skate (do kids still do that). She will plead with me to get her ears pierced, which eventually turns into pleading to wear make-up. I can hear her now, “It’s just lip gloss, Mom… EVERYONE is wearing it at school except for me”….. “ITS NOT FAIR!!!”  (slam the door ).  And with complete certainty, I will still be there behind my lens capturing those moments as my little girl grows up . Life moves enjoy those little details.




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