Category Archives: Family and Children
Bachman Family Fun – 2017
Oh how I adore this sweet family – they are seriously some of my favorite people. This was my 3rd photoshoot with them – Last year I did an in-home session with them that I am DETERMINED
Simpson Adoption
This is the second adoption documentation that I have done for this amazing family. I have to say – it is such a cool experience when you can walk into a room and you can feel just how grateful
The NYC Carousel Crawl
So much to say about this day with my girls… but not quite sure where to start. So for the first time – I will let the pictures be my voice – be my words. The days go fast so I am
Last Sunrise
It just seems appropriate that I follow up yesterdays blog post about our first day ofour trip that I should follow it up with our last day of our trip…. (and yes we are still in the car
The Alexander Family
Here is the truth to why I don’t blog – outside of the fact that it’s not one of my most favorite parts of the business and outside of the fact that it takes me forever to go