Category Archives: Portfolio
Splash Park
Since Emerson is #2 in line – it is rare that I do things specifically for her. Alot of times it is us doing things as a family which means it has to be something that my 6 year old wants to
I have been obsessed with all things reflections for the past few months. Maybe b.c I have had so much to learn about lighting and I love seeing what lighting can creates a great reflection. I took
Open Season
My sweet little girl – is the typical little sister…. smashing his legos into smithereens, hitting her big brother, not wanting to share…. so when Hayden and his friend Cohan
My boy. He is 6 years old and on our local swim team. Since he has hemophilia we have really tried to expose him to the world of swimming at a young age. My heart swells with so much pride when I
Caines Beauties
So since this isn’t a sneak peek since I am 4 weeks behind we will call it Caines Beauties…Heathers daughters are downright stunning. Heather hired me to do her maternity shoot and I was
Brown Family {Sneak Peek}
As mentioned in the earlier post.. not quite a sneak peek since the mom came and picked up her images yesterday…. but it was the first in-session proofing I have held… and I have to say
Rack em’ up! Racker {Sneak Peek}
Ok – so this should be a sneak peek – but come to find out I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to updating the blog. I think it is because it is easier to post the sneak peek on
I Liz Take thee Dan…
To say that I married my best friend would be simplifying what my husband is to me. Today we celebrate our 7th anniversary. and I couldn’t love this man more than I do today. Yes , he is a bit
Alexa times 2 {SneaK PeeK}
So I stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried my hand at a senior photo shoot. I figured how can I truly decide what direction I want to take my photography if I don’t try out all the
Leslies {Sneak PeeK}
A sure sign that someone liked their shoot is when they hire you for the second shoot . Lesley hired me when I was first starting out – I loved the way the first shoot went and I really loved

{SNEAK PEEK} Gamble family
Oh I don’t even know where to start with this amazing family. From the second we started talking on the phone- I felt like I knew the mom for years… so it was no surprise that when I
Every boy is a superhero
Sweet Ollie – has already leaped tall buildings in his short little life – With the inability to see the world like you and I do – he is our superhero as he teaches us to see the

Emerson being Emerson
Today she was two…nothing more,nothing less… dirty, messy hair…and happy. These will be the photos that will make me smile when she grows up. It won’t be the ones where she

I heart faces
I heart faces is a blog that I have been going to since I started L.L.P . Every Friday they have a photo that needs to be fixed. I like to challenge myself with theses edits and also see how other
Happy Birthday to my big 6 year old.
So truth be told. I started writing this letter to you while we were sitting in Chic-fil-a. I was watching you and Emerson play and the words just started flowing. I was afraid I would forget what I

Spring Break
Over spring break my amazing sister-in-law came into town with her 4 kids. Now that would be enough to throw anyone over the edge…. until you meet my sister-in-law. I am not quite sure how she

In a world that moves at such a fast pace it is easy to overlook the simple things like a bowl of cereal. This was more than a bowl of cereal as I watched behind the lens as my determined little 2

{Second Cousins once removed}
I am not quite sure what that means but all this time I was under the impression that the “Cousin Moni” was our cousin. Come to find out that she is our second cousin once removed.After
Heather Caine – {Maternity shoot}
Those who know me, know I love being pregnant . So I have a tendency to talk to anyone who is pregnant. I love asking the typical questions … How far along they are? Do they know what they

Trip To Turks
What to say about the trip of a lifetime. Living smack dab in the middle of Texas has this california girl constantly yearning for the beauty and tranquilty of the ocean. I was really starting to
Pina Coladas
I don’t know what it is, I don’t even like Pina Coladas …. but whenever I think of going on vacation it involves having warm weather , a nice pool and a big, fat Pina Colada (maybe

Ice Cream and Hopscotch
My sweet lovestruck son! He has been in love with this little girl ever since he laid eyes on her the first day of kindergarten. He came home that first day with love in his eyes as he asked me if I

Photoshop fun
There is so much to learn and I am having so much fun turning my attention to photoshop. When I started L.L.P I barely had enough time in the day to learn how to operate my camera and
Deep thoughts ….
I still remember pulling out of my driveway from my college apartment and waving goodbye to my friends… It’s official – I am a college dropout. Driving away in my Honda Accord

Dad of the year!
Sorry Dan it is time to pass the baton to a new dad. If only every dad can be as relaxed and as hysterical as this one. Meeting Kurt I knew we would get along – In seconds we were bantering

Sugarboo Designs
I am so excited to be working with Sugarboo Designs. I sent them an image where I used their signs as a which point they offered to partner up with my business. Someone pinch me b.c I

Zoe Hendricks
Are you kidding me with this bundle of beauty. I had hoped to make it to the hospital to meet this sweet baby – but Mother Nature had different ideas and threw an Ice Storm our

This weekend brought so much fun to the LaBianca household. Dan and I were able to score tickets to the Big Game. Ok – so I admit it -I am not the biggest football fan. A realization that came