Sorry Dan it is time to pass the baton to a new dad. If only every dad can be as relaxed and as hysterical as this one. Meeting Kurt I knew we would get along – In seconds we were bantering back and forth about bald spots and being old. You can feel the love this dad has for his family and that he doesn’t take that role lightly.As we neared the end of our shoot – my son came up (he was at the park with his dad) – in tears about losing his Star Wars Light Saber… and I calmly said .. “How risky it was to bring a toy out of the house – and that was the risk he took”. . “and I am sorry he has lost his toy”. I wrapped up the rest of my shoot and we said our goodbyes. Later that evening I get a text from Kristi and Kurt.. saying they found his Light Saber … what they meant was that they went and bought him a new one. This job is continuing to introduce me to people that I would not have met otherwise… Thank Kurt and Kristi for hiring me ..I feel fortunate to now call you friends.
Dad of the year!
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