I am in trouble with this one – who steals my make-up any chance she gets. I don’t get it… it’s not like I am putting on make-up all the time that it is something that she sees and wants to emulate. Regardless – this little cat burglar.. who stole my mascara this morning was forced to pay the penance of taking a shower instead of playing in the bath. Made sense since I was about to jump in the shower as it was… but then I saw the light – and it was like.. BA – BAM… and I quickly ran through the house naked to go grab my camera. I guess you could say “the light made me do it”.
Shot with my 24 mm 1.4 and Nikon D750.
A majority of the images were shot with Iso 320 F:1.8 and SS 3200 (+ or – depending on how I wanted to use the light)